© 2007-2008 Checkmeprodukzies
Directed by Danny ‘KAS’ Stolker
Main music-production & Design (typography & layout) by Terilekst
Main music-production & Design (typography & layout) by Terilekst
(also contains 2 beats by RISK, synth soundscapes by SirOJ and outro beat by DJ MP)
Geoffrey en Vincent zijn vrienden en beide graffiti-schrijvers in Rotterdam. De jongens zijn elkaars tegenpolen. Geoffrey is baldadig met een grote honger naar respect. Vincent is juist heel doordacht. Toch trekken de twee iedere nacht Rotterdam in waar ze hun kunsten botvieren op treinen en muren.
Geoffrey and Vincent are friends and both graffiti writers in Rotterdam. The boys are polar opposites. Geoffrey is rowdy with a big appetite for respect. Vincent is actually very thoughtful. Yet the two go to Rotterdam every night where they give their best on trains and walls.
Geoffrey and Vincent are friends and both graffiti writers in Rotterdam. The boys are polar opposites. Geoffrey is rowdy with a big appetite for respect. Vincent is actually very thoughtful. Yet the two go to Rotterdam every night where they give their best on trains and walls.